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Friday, February 18, 2011

Ternyata Ujian Nasional (UN) Dijadikan Komoditas Politik


Ujian Nasional (UN) ternyata sudah menjadi komoditas politik karena Pemerintah Daerah kini berlomba-lomba untuk meningkatkan angka kelulusan UN agar dianggap berhasil dan dijadikan alat kampanye pilkada berikutnya.

“UN sekarang sudah jadi komoditas politik, hanya mengejar jumlah siswa lulus saja. Bahkan kepada daerah, sekolah dan guru menjadikan angka kelulusan ini sebagai patokan keberhasilan,” jelas Rohmani, , anggota Komisi X DPR RI, Senin (22/11) kemarin.
Padahal kajian yang dilakukan oleh panitia Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) 2010, menunjukkan bahwa nilai UN tidak mencerminkan kesiapan peserta didik untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi atau bekerja.
Menurut Rohmani, karena sudah menjadi komoditas politik menyebabkan setiap tahunnya tetap terjadi praktik kecurangan saat UN seperti pembocoran soal ujian dan guru memberi kunci jawaban kepada muridnya. Di sisi lain, tidak sedikit pemerintah daerah membiarkan kecurangan tersebut.
Dia pun khawatir dengan perilaku mereka yang menghalalkan segala cara untuk meluluskan siswanya. Karena perilaku ini akan menggeser paradigma pendidikan yang seharusnya menekankan pada aspek proses menjadi hanya kepada aspek hasil.
Rohmani juga mengaku heran dengan sikap pemerintah yang terus memaksakan UN. Padahal, DPR telah meminta pemerintah untuk merubah model UN agar tidak menjadi penentu kelulusan.
“Kami di komisi X DPR RI telah berkali-kali meminta pemerintah untuk merubah model UN yang sekarang, tetapi entah mengapa tidak pernah digubris dan terus memaksakan model UN itu diterapkan,” ungkapnya.
Dia pun menyarankan agar yang menentukan kelulusan siswa diserahkan langsung kepada sekolah karena sekolah dianggap lebih bisa mengetahui keberhasilan pembelajaran siswanya. Dengan begini, tujuan pendidikan akan lebih tercapai.

Tips PDKT lewat SMS, YM, Facebook, Telp & Surat

Tips PDKT lewat SMS
Kalo lo baru kenal ama gebetan lo, gw saranin nanya dulu no.hpnya pas ketemu, atau kalo udah lama kenal ya nanya juga (siapa tahu belum punya no.hpnya , hahaha).
Kalo udah tau no. Hpnya, jangan langsung sms, tunggu sampai malam (jangan jam 12), ya kira2 jam 8.00 atau jam 8.30 malam lah, baru lo sms.
Pas lagi sms usahain sms lo jangan ada unsur “seakan-akan lo mau pdkt”, buat lo mau jadi temennya dia.
Dan kalo dia, bilang “gw lagi blajar ni, sms nya nanti aja ya?” mending lo mundur aja, tapi kalo dia bilang “gw lagi blajar ni, bantuin/temenin gw dong” that’s a signal.
Please, kalo baru pertama kalo sms, jangan tanya :
a. Lagi apa?
b. Ganggu g?
c. Cowonya marah?
d. Ada yang marah g kalo gw telf?
e. Ini siapa?
f. Mau g jadi pacar gw?
g. Lo sukanya musik/film/buku apa?
h. Udah makan belum?
i. Jangan ada kata “bales!, BLZ,Bales ASAP, CEPET, URGENT”, kayak lo lagi sms polisi aja
Kalo mau sms tanya aja,
a. Lo kuliah/sekolah dmn?
b. Udah kelas/semester brp?
c. Kuliahnya ngambil jurusan apa?
d. Kerja di bagian apa?
e. Suka dengerin Jason Mraz g? (atau apa lah)
f. Besok gw mau ujian/ada tugas, tapi gw belum belajar apa-apa?
Setelah lo sms dia, lo harus liat apa respon dan balesan dari dia, cepet/lamanya, panjang/pendeknya, ada atau tidaknya tanda tanya(?), kalau sms balesannya panjang, balesnya cepet, dan ada tanda tanyanya,..wawww signal positif lagi..

Kalo respon dari dia cukup positif, please sms hanya pada 3 hari pertama setelah itu biarkan dia yang sms lo duluan, kalo memang di hari ke 4 dia sms lo, berarti dia udah mulai nyaman sama lo, tapi kalo belum ada sms di hari ke 4 coba lagi di hari ke 5 lo sms duluan, dan liat responnya lagi, dan lihat besoknya, masih belum ada respon atau udah ada respon dengan dia sms lo duluan. Kalo belum ya, smsnya udah dulu ya, lo sms lagi tanggal 32 bulan berikutnya.
Tips PDKT Lewat Facebook, tidak disarankan lewat friendster, norak ah..
Tidak bisa dipungkiri, facebook udah mewabah, sehari saja tidak buka facebook wawww, bisa stress kali..(leboy mode on)
Jadi karena emang di facebook temennya buannnyyyaaakkk banget,
This is the step!
1. Cari siapa yang mau lo pdkt, kalo udah ada di friendlist lo ya liat-liat aja dulu, kalo belum jadi cari lahhh…
2. Jangan lupa di ADD yahh..
3. Riset, heheheh… liat dulu udah punya pacar belum, kalo udah ya jangan, kalo belum, SIKATTT!!!
4. Riset yang sesungguhnya, liat dia orangnya gmn, sifatnya, kebiasaanya, atau minimal tanya ke temen lo yang temenan ama dia,
5. Comment maksimal 2x di facebooknya (termasuk foto, wall, notes, link, video), jangan lebay, ikutin arus aja.
6. Kalo, pas lo lagi sama-sama online, coba chat ama dia
1. HI
2. Lo kuliah di UI ya (misalnya)
Cukup, cukup itu aja, kalo ga ada balesan, coba 1 bulan kemudian, sampe dia lupa lo pernah ngajak dia chat, sambil nunggu 1 bulan, usaha nyari yang lain (hahahah..), TAPIIIII kalo emang dia bales chat lo, langsung suruh dia add ym atau msn lo. Ga punya? Ya buat lahhh… karena kalo dia mau add ym atau msn lo, itu berarti dia siap berteman sama lo.
7. Selesai…, heheheh, karena udah di add ymnya, ya langsung chat di ym aja ya, please, jangan sering-sering comment di facebooknya, maximal 2 kalo belum kenal, kalo udah maximal 4, kalo udah temenan atau bahkan jadian minimal 100. Hahah…
Tips PDKT lewat Yahoo messenger (YM) dan MSN (Windows Live Messenger)
Ya, bisa disadari atau tidak PDKT lewat YM dan MSN adalah sangat-sangat-sangat powerfull. Why? Kenapa? Maksudnya? Sabar, heheheh.. Jadi begini, kalau kita baru pdkt trus intensitas dari smsan lo ke target terlalu besar, maka bisa dipastikan, target akan bosan dan sangat mungkin akan menjauhi lo.
Dan kalo lewat messenger, ya lo mo buzz dia, deket-deket, sering-sering chat juga gpp. Udah biasa juga kalo di dunia cyber hal itu. Dan, sekali lagi, dan biasanya cewek akan cenderung mudah nyaman sama cowo yang chat sama dia, atau sebaliknya. Kenapa? Ya karena saat target lagi butuh, kita bisa datang gitu aja sebagai pahlawan. See?? Jadi, kalo lo mau pdkt tapi belum kenal-kenal banget sama target atau bahkan sudah kenal tapi belum teralu akrab ya boleh lah dicoba dengan messenger.
1. Melakukan BUZZ yang telalu sering (norak)
2. Ngirim AUDIBLES terlalu sering (SUPERNORAK)
3. Kalo belum di bales, please jangan suruh dia cepet-cepet bales, sabar mas!
4. Jangan menggunakan emoticon yang berlebihan, apa lagi ngirimnya salah emoticon, harusnya sedih, malah dikirim yang ketawa (rolling on the floor)
5. Ga beda jauh sama sms, jangan kebiasaan mulai chat, biarkan seirama dan saling memulai
6. Jangan keliatan baru tahu messenger ya, norak-norak call, webcame, emoticon, audibles, seperlunya aja..
7. Jangan kelamaan kalo bales, atau kecepetan.. liat sikon ya..
1. Sering lah menggunakan kata hahahah… jadi chat lo lucu dan buat cewe itu nyaman
2. Buatlah jalan chat menjadi nyaman, gunakan bahasa yang down to earth, jangan gunakan bahasa yang sok-sokan, apalagi tulisan gede-kecil.
3. Di ym itu ada Imvironment yang namanya doodle, jadi skalian ym bisa skalian maen games dan gambar-gambar, biar lucu..
4. Tunjukan diri lo yang lucu saat chat, dan bisa jadi serius kalo dia butuh lo serius
5. Terus nanya / chat lo ada tanda tanyanya(?), biar dia ngerasa lo mau chat ama dia terus.
6. Messenger pake account sendiri ya, jangan pake punya temen, ntar temen lo yang usaha
7. Lo harus update dan terlihat cerdas, kan bisa sekalian chat skalian browsing, please kalo chat, ngomongin berita-berita yang baru, jadi cewe itu bakal ngomong “update ya dia”

Jangan terlalu sering telf kalo g penting, karena lo bisa dianggap sebagai pengganggu. Maksimal 2 kali. Kalau udah yakin banget mau jadian baru deh bisa sering-sering.
lihat waktu dan jam saat lo telfon target. jangan tefon lebih dari jam 9 malem ya. kecuali emang dia yang minta buat lo telfon dia. dan kalo mau telfon untuk yang pertama kali, izin dulu ya. biar dia nggak shock pas lo telfon.
kalau lo mau telfon ke rumahnya, tanya langsung sama target ya no.telfon rumahnya. karena beberapa cewe nggak suka kalo lo telfon ke rumahnya. dannnn, kalau telfon ke rumahnya, ucapkan salam dulu ya, agar supaya kerena ehehhe.. agar yang angkat telfon akan merasa lo orang yang sopan.


Oh My GOD, udah ga jaman juga kali ya.. biar masih banyak orang yang bilang kalau pakai surat lebih romantis, tapi tetep aja norak. Dan pastinya sampainya kapan ya? Hehehe. Kalo diantar langsung lewat temen juga, norak ah.
sesekali boleh lah dicoba, sedikit puisi cinta dan dikasih dengan coklat, wawwww.. cewe mana yang nggak suka kalau ada yang ngasih coklat. mayoritas cewe suka di kasih coklat. apa lagi kalau lo ngasihnya dengan cara meletakkan di meja kuliah/kantor atau di tasnya dia. jangan lupa kasih nama lo ya. dan jangan lupa pita pinknya. so sweeett.. hahahah…
Sumber :

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Resep Cocacola bocor!Dinyatakan mengandung Alkohol

 Coca Cola

Sebuah situs,, mengungkap resep rahasia minuman soda paling terkenal di dunia, Coca-Cola. Selama ini, minuman yang diciptakan oleh seorang apoteker, John Pemberton pada 1886 ini selalu menjadi misteri.

Nah, mengklamin menemukan daftar yang difoto dari sebuah koran yang menyebutkan resep Coca-cola. Daftar tersebut lengkap bahan dan takaran untuk membuat minuman Coca-cola. 

Foto resep itu berasal dari artikel di koran Atlanta Journal-Constitution edisi 8 Februari 1979. Dalam foto tersebut ada seseorang yang memegang buku dengan resep yang diklaim resep yang sama dengan yang digunakan Pemberton. 

Resep asli Coca-cola disebutkan disimpan di sebuah ruang besi di Atlanta, Georgia. Resep itu dijaga 24 jam. Inilah resepe rahasia coca-cola itu. 

1. Ekstrak cair coca 3 dram (unit)

2. Asam Sitrat 3 ons

3. Kafein 1 ons

4. Gula 30 (tulisannya tidak jelas berapa ukurannya)

5. Air 2,5 galon 

6. Juice jeruk limau 2,25 liter 

7. Vanilla 1 ons

8. Karamel 1,5 ons atau lebih untuk warnanya. 

9. 7X Penyedap Rasa (2 ons penyedap rasa dan 5 tetes sirup)

10. Alkohol 8 ons

11. Minyak jeruk 20 tetes

13. Minyak Lemon 30 tetes

14. Minyak Nutmeg 10 tetes

15. Coriander (ketumbar) 5 tetes 

16. Neroli 10 tetes 

17. Cinnamon (kayu manis) 10 tetes

Diambil dari :,20110216-313670,id.html

The secret recipe of Coca-Cola 'Leaks'

A site,, uncover secret recipes most popular sodas in the world, Coca-Cola. During this time, a drink invented by a pharmacist, John Pemberton in 1886 it has always been a mystery.

Well, mengklamin find a list of which was photographed from a newspaper that says Coca-Cola recipe. The complete list of materials and quantities to make a drink Coca-cola.

Photo recipe came from an article in the paper edition of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution February 8, 1979. In the photo there is someone who holds a book with recipes that claimed the same recipe used by Pemberton.

Coca-cola original recipe mentioned is stored in a vault in Atlanta, Georgia. Recipe is guarded 24 hours. This is the secret of coca-cola resepe it.

1. Liquid extract of coca 3 dram (unit)

2. Citric Acid 3 ounces

3. 1 ounce Caffeine

4. Sugar 30 (the writing is not clear what size)

5. Water 2.5 gallons

6. Lime juice 2.25 liters

7. Vanilla 1 oz

8. Caramel 1.5 ounces or more for color.

9. 7X Flavor Seasonings (2 ounces and 5 drops of flavoring syrups)

10. Alcohol 8 ounces

11. 20 drops orange oil

13. 30 drops Lemon Oil

14. Nutmeg oil 10 drops

15. Coriander (cilantro) 5 drops

16. 10 drops of neroli

17. Cinnamon (cinnamon) 10 drops

From :,20110216-313670,id.html

Yahoo Messenger

Yahoo! Messenger (sometimes abbreviated YIM) is an advertisement-supported instant messaging client and associated protocol provided by Yahoo!. Yahoo! Messenger is provided free of charge and can be downloaded and used with a generic "Yahoo! ID" which also allows access to other Yahoo! services, such as Yahoo! Mail, where users can be automatically notified when they receive new email. Yahoo! also offers PC-PC, PC-Phone and Phone-to-PC service, file transfers, webcam hosting, text messaging service, and chat rooms in various categories.
Yahoo! Messenger was originally launched under the name Yahoo! Pager on March 9, 1998.[1]
In addition to instant messaging features similar to those offered by ICQ, it also offers (on Microsoft Windows) features such as: IMVironments (customizing the look of Instant Message windows, some of which include authorized themes of famous cartoons such as Garfield or Dilbert), address-book integration and Custom Status Messages.[2] It was also the first major IM client to feature BUZZing and music-status. Another recently added feature is customized avatars. Yahoo Messenger also allows users to access Yahoo Chat Rooms.

Click Here to download Yahoo Messenger :

Yahoo! Messenger (sering disingkat "Y!M" atau "YM") merupakan program pengirim pesan instan populer yang disediakan oleh Yahoo!. Yahoo! Messenger tersedia secara gratis dan dapat diunduh serta diakses menggunakan Yahoo! ID yang biasa digunakan untuk mengakses layanan Yahoo! yang lainnya, seperti Yahoo! Mail. Penggunaan ID ini juga mengakibatkan pengguna dapat langsung diberitahu bila mendapat sebuah e-mail.
Yahoo! telah mengumumkan kerjasama dengan Microsoft untuk bergabung dalam jaringan instant messenger. Hal ini mengakibatkan Yahoo! Messenger dapat berhubungan dengan layanan .NET Messenger milik Microsoft. Layanan ini mulai berfungsi sejak 13 Juli 2006.

Klik disini untuk mendownload yahoo messenger :

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lamborghini Aventador Dibanderol Rp3,2 Miliar

SANT’AGATA   Lamborghini SpA siap meluncurkan Aventador di Geneva Motor Show, Maret 2011. Produk terbaru ini tak lain adalah tipe teratas dari model penerus Murcielago yang tutup usia akhir 2010 dan kabarnya  dibandrol 370.000-an dollar AS atau Rp3,2 miliar per unit.

Kemunculan Avantador pernah dibahas, Januari 2011 lalu dan dibekali mesin V12 dan bertenaga 55kw (700 PS). Lambo mengklaim, mobil ini akan menjadi supersport tercepat. Kecepatan 0-100 km per jam bisa dicapai hanya dalam 2,9 detik. Kelebihan lainnya, mobil menggunakan konsep suspensi mencontek dari mobil Formula-1 dan disetel agar nyaman ketika dikebut di jalanan umum.

Menurut seorang sumber, seperti dilansir bloomberg (15/2), perusahaan sudah mulai menerima pesanan Avantador meski belum secara terang-terangan. Lambo berencana meMproduksi 100 Avantador pertama sampai Maret dan mulai masuk showroom kuartal kedua 2011.

Terkait masalah ini, Christoph Stuermer, analis IHS Automotive di Frankfurt, Jerman mengatakan, perusahaan berupaya kembali mendongkrak penjualan mobil supersport  berharga di atas 200.000 dollar AS setelah sempat menurun karena krisis global. Amerika Serikat, jelasnya, sampai ini masih menjadi pasar terbesar mobil supersport.

Teror Kepala Babi dan Kebakaran di ITB

Bandung - Kampus ITB dihebohkan dengan kabar teror. Ditemukan kepala Babi yang sudah terbakar digantung di dekat kolam Indonesia Tenggelam, yang berada di tengah kampus. Tak hanya itu, beberapa toilet juga ditemukan dalam kondisi terbakar.

Masih belum jelas, siapa yang melakukannya dan apa latar belakangnya. Namun yang jelas info terkait kepala babi dan kebakaran di kampus ITB ini tengah jadi perbincangan hangat di dunia maya.

Di situs kaskus misalnya, akun bernama gurunnevada memposting kabar tentang temuan kepala babi dan kebakaran tersebut lengkap disertai foto-fotonya. bahkan ia memberikan sejumlah informasi terkait kejadian tersebut. Misalnya waktu kejadian di prediksi terjadi pada Rabu dini hari.

Dalam postingannya itu, ia juga menyertakan beberapa foto yang belum dipastikan apakah itu hasil jepretannya sendiri atau berasal dari sumber lain. Ruangan yang terbakar di antaranya Labtek V lantai 2 depan Lift, Labtek VIII, Toilet lantai 1, belakang comlabs dekat saluran AC dan kamar mandi TVST.

Bahkan ada 2 foto yang memperlihatkan kepala babi yang sudah terbakar digantung hingga kemudian diturunkan. Kepala babi terlihat seperti mirip dengan kepala anjing. Total ada sekitar 10 foto yang dipasang dalam postingannya itu.

Begitu juga di situs jejaring sosial twitter, di akun @itweetb sekitar 4 jam lalu memposting "Hari ini sekitaran Labtek V heboh oleh adanya kepala babi digantung dan 'kebakaran'. Ada apa sebenarnya? Kami pun kurang tahu :)", begitu tulis admin akun tersebut. Selanjutnya ia kembali memposting "Yang pasti, kepala babi digantung itu diturunkan sekita pukul 13.00 tadi oleh 2 orang satpam. Dimasukkan kedalam plastik hitam :)," lanjutnya.

"Lokasi kepala babi ada yang bilang di jembatan Labtek FT-KL ke IF, menghadap ke Indonesia tenggelam :)" tweet @itweetb kemudian.

Hingga saat ini di twitter pun masih ramai membahas ini.

Menurut Salah seorang mahasiswa ITB yang tak mau disebutkan namanya pada detikbandung membenarnya adanya kabar bahwa ada kepala babi yang digantung di kampus ITB. Bahkan menurut info yang ia terima, kepala babi yang ditemukan bahkan juga ada yang ditemukan di dalam selokan.

"Iya, katanya ada kepala babi yang digantung di kolam. Sama ada juga yang nemuin di selokan," katanya. Namun ia mengaku tak melihat langsung.

Selain itu, beberapa WC di dalam kampus ITb ditemukan dalam kondisi terbakar. "Ada beberapa WC kondisinya terbakar," katanya.

Ia pun menduga, aksi seperti itu dilakukan karena adanya kisruh internal di ITB.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Percakapan salah satu anggota Barkosis dengan Stephen melalui telefon

Stephen     : Hy Kamu siapa?
Barkosis F : aQ f****,kmuch siapa?
Stephen     :aku Stephen,Kamu anak smp 5 yah?
Barkosis F :Iya,kok Qmu tau?
Stephen     :Hhe,km kls 7,8, ato 9?
Barkosis F :Kelas 9.
Stephen      :Kamu cantik deh (gubrak cococrunch gosong jatuh dari meja.)
Barkosis F  :Hmph,
Stephen      :Udah yah Asswlamualaikum.

Cerita ini menurut kejadian asli tanpa direkayasa,tulisan alay seseuai orangnya.GK TERIMA!PROTES ke ketua barkosis.

10.Julukan-julukan terkenal(my version)

1.Cococrunch gosong ---Buat orang orang yang melucunya berlebihan dengan sangat tidak lucu
2.Patrick                     ---Dari namanya anda dapat berfikir bahwa dia memiliki IQ 80.Telmi,dll.
3.JB                           ---Orang-orang yang suka ngelakuin hal gk jelas dan maksa
4.Gundamers             ---Barisan perakit gundam sejati
5.Si Teladan              ---Cule,sosoan pinter,sering ngingetin ulangan,pokoknya intinya pitonjokeun
6.BigHead                 ---Ngomongnya sosoan,ngrendahin orang,ternyata dia sendiri yg cacad
7.Barkosis                 ---Barudak Kosambi Eksis, eksis tpi eksisnya dikosambi (kosambi itu pasar)hha
8.Si Lebay                 ---Ngomongnya berlebihan,ngehayal gk jelas,
9.Trio Cantik             ---Anggotanya hampir sama dengan barkosis,tapi ini pelopornya
10.HIV                     ---Badan kurus,warna kulit putih,kaya orang sakaw,hahaha

Yang gk terima atas julukan ini silahkan lapor ke Ketua Barkosis.Terimakasih

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Playing Cards

Many mysteries lie hidden in the pack of playing cards, which has been with us since the 14th century. What do the oldest surviving cards look like? Medieval playing cards reveal much individuality and freedom of expression. Then came the Renaissance and the dawn of Humanism. The Industrial Revolution led to goods being produced by power-driven machines in factories. Playing cards give us understanding of characteristic features of periods, ideas, beliefs and experiences of people in the past, reflecting past eras and ways of life. They are a lesson in craftsmanship and the assembly and combination of components and materials. 
They have been a focus for design, advertising or invention... a little encyclopædia of social history!
Playing cards have enormous educational value, with a long history and many different types and styles of cards from around the world. Some are historical, others are political or souvenir packs for tourists. They make us aware of the lives of people living in other places and times, and people with different values and customs. They relate to key areas of our school curriculum.
Waddingtons Logo
You will discover something interesting here... from what the earliest playing cards looked like to how to make your own hand-made pack or buy an unusual deck to add to your collection. Whether we consider them as a game or an artefact, as merchandise or something which unites people, there is a fascination in the imagery, the tactile pleasure, neat symmetries and quirky symbols.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to Choose a Bicycle

How to choose a bike
Bicycling lets you have fun and get exercise while being kind to the environment at the same time. It can also be a great way to run errands, commute to work or experience a backcountry trail, not to mention more serious pursuits such as touring or racing. Whatever your goals, you have a number of bicycle options to take you there.
The aim of this article is to help beginners, casual riders or those who haven't ridden in a while to select the right type of bike for them.

What's Your Primary Riding Style?

Choosing a bike
Your first consideration is to know where you'll be riding: on pavement, dirt trails or both. Some bicycles are made specifically for a particular kind of riding surface, while others are versatile enough that, perhaps with a quick tire change, they can be ridden in more than one category.
To get you started, here is a general breakdown of the different kinds of bikes that REI carries. Within each of these categories are individual models that emphasize performance, versatility or comfort.

Road Bikes

Road bike
Best for: Pavement.
Description: Generally lighter in weight than the typical mountain or comfort bike, road bikes are good for multiple pavement uses including fitness riding, commuting, long-distance/event rides, touring and racing. They are suitable for riders ranging from novices to seasoned enthusiasts. Proper fit for most road bikes is particularly important, as a poor fit can be uncomfortable or even painful. In addition, a poorly fitting road bike can also reduce the efficiency of your pedaling. Some models are built for speed with a more aerodynamic riding positioning, while others provide a more upright riding position. Road bikes may include racks, lighting systems or fenders for commuting or touring use. Prices range from $500 to $2,000+.
Road bikes are distinguished by 2 basic handlebar styles:
  • Drop-bar handlebars are lightweight and aerodynamic and are a better choice if you want to go faster or are more concerned with efficiently transferring your energy into making the bike move forward. They also allow for a greater number of riding and hand positions than flat-bars. Their more aerodynamic riding position (bent over at the waist) may put more strain on your back if you are less flexible.
  • Flat-bar handlebars combine the efficiency of drop-bar road bikes with a slightly more upright riding position. This allows you to sit up in a higher and more relaxed position so you can better see the road and potential hazards. An upright position also reduces strain on your hands, wrists and shoulders. This increased versatility comes with the tradeoff of being slightly less efficient (from an aerodynamic standpoint) than the typical drop-bar road bike.
Shop our selection of road bikes.

Mountain Bikes

Mountain bike
Best for: Dirt or rocky trails and gravel roads; OK for pavement too (with tire change).
Description: Designed to be strong, with shock-absorbing features and better braking systems, mountain bikes can handle dirt trails and the rocks, roots, bumps and ruts that come with them. In addition, they feature lower gears than most road bikes in order to better handle steeper terrain. Some higher priced models can also manage to be relatively lightweight as well. Mountain bikes can be a good choice for commuting because they can withstand potholes and other city obstacles while still providing comfort. However, be aware that the smaller diameter wheel (26 inch) of the typical mountain bike will be less efficient on pavement than the larger diameter wheel (700 millimeter/27 inch) of a road bike. When commuting, you might consider switching out the "knobby" tires in favor of faster tires with smooth treads. Some mountain bikes are now designed for 29-inch wheels. These larger diameter wheels and tires provide decreased rolling resistance and more easily roll over obstacles. They can also offer a better fit for taller riders. However, they are usually not as agile nor able to turn as quickly in tight, twisty terrain. Prices range from $400 to $2,000+.
Mountain bikes come in 2 basic varieties:
  • Hardtail bikes feature a front suspension fork and a rigid back with no rear suspension shocks. This type of mountain bike is much less expensive and lighter in weight than a typical full-suspension mountain bike. A hardtail is the more versatile choice if you plan to use it for both paved and unpaved surfaces. The tradeoffs from a full-suspension mountain bike? A hardtail is less able to safely handle more technical singletrack trails, provides less overall shock absorption and, in some situations, delivers less rear wheel traction.
  • Full-suspension bikes have both front and rear suspension shocks making them ideal for backcountry trails or technical (steep, bumpy, twisty) singletrack. They also stand up to more aggressive riding including jumps or drops of up to 5 feet. As mentioned above, full-suspension bikes are more expensive and generally heavier than hardtail bikes.
Shop our selection of mountain bikes.

Recreational Bikes

Recreational bike
Best for: Pavement or gravel/dirt roads.
Description: These bikes emphasize comfort and ease of handling. They are ideal for riding around flat neighborhoods, parks and bike paths. Some styles offer bigger wheels for an extra-smooth and efficient ride and many feature front suspension forks as well. These bikes are good for general riding, casual family outings or those who haven't ridden in a while. Most have large tires so you can ride them on gravel or dirt as well as pavement. Some models include rear racks and/or fenders. Prices range from $350 to $800.
There are 2 common varieties of recreational bikes:
  • Comfort bikes are aptly named. They feature slightly wider 26-inch tires than other pavement bikes, a comfortable seat and a very relaxed sitting position. Many styles also offer a suspension seatpost that compresses when you sit on it, providing extra comfort and shock absorption. Some comfort bikes even have internally geared rear hubs for easy maintenance.
  • Hybrid bikes aim to offer the best of the road- and comfort-bike worlds. While they have a comfortable seat, upright sitting position and (often) suspension forks and/or seatposts, they also offer the more efficient pedaling of 700-millimeter (700c) wheels versus the comfort bikes with 26-inch wheels. These are a good choice if you want to commute to work and enjoy leisurely rides through the park.
Shop our selection of recreational bikes.

Urban and Commuting Bikes

Urban bike
Best for: Pavement or some gravel roads.
Description: Designed with city streets in mind, urban bikes are rugged and sturdy with tough frames and strong wheels. They feature an upright riding position that allows you to better see, and be seen by, motorists. Many commuter-friendly models include racks, lighting systems or fenders. Prices range from $450 to $1,200.
Shop our selection of urban/commuting bikes.

Women's Bikes

Women's bike
Best for: Those who have the more typical woman's body proportions of longer leg length relative to torso length.
Description: These bikes—which can be road, mountain, comfort or hybrid bikes—feature frame geometries, handlebars and wider saddles that are tailored to better fit the typical female body proportion. For instance, the top tube frame lengths on women's bikes are generally about 1 to 3 centimeters shorter than men's bikes, so the reach (saddle to handlebar) is shorter and fits most women better. These bikes also feature shorter-reach shifters that better fit women's hands.

Other Bike Categories

Cyclocross bikes: Cyclocross is a form of bike racing. It involves taking laps around courses that feature a variety of terrain including pavement, dirt trails and grass. The courses also have obstacles that require riders to dismount and carry their bikes around them. Similar to road racing bikes in some ways, cyclocross bikes are lightweight yet tough enough to deal with extreme conditions. Most have knobby tires in order to handle all types of terrain.
Folding bikes: These bikes can be folded up and placed in a carrying bag, which makes them handy for commuters with limited storage space at home or the office. They are lightweight yet strong and can be folded up quickly and easily. Folding bikes are also a good choice for those who want to travel with their bike.
Electric-assist bikes: These ingenious bikes feature a battery-powered motor that can help you climb hills easily or make your commute less strenuous. Built-in sensors monitor how much pressure you're putting on the pedals and then apply battery power accordingly.
Fixed-gear bikes: Often called fixies, these are bikes without a freewheel mechanism and (usually) only one gear. Long associated with track cycling, fixed-gear bikes have become popular with urban riding enthusiasts for their simplicity, low maintenance and low weight.

Get the Right Bike Fit for You

No matter what type of bike you choose, make sure it fits you. Bikes are sold in a variety of frame sizes, so this is a good starting point. To find the frame that best fits your leg length, try this simple stand-over exercise: throw your leg over the bike's top tube and straddle it. Generally you want about 1" of clearance for a road bike and about 2" or more for a mountain bike. Recreation and comfort bikes generally offer plenty of stand-over room already. Wear shoes to get an accurate reading.

Stand-over height
Now consider the seat height. You want to make sure your leg has a slight bend when your pedal is at its lowest point in its rotation. To achieve this may involve making simple up or down adjustments to the seat height.
You should also have the proper reach to the handlebars. Your arms should not be fully extended; rather, your elbows should be slightly bent so that you feel comfortable and not too far away or too close to the handlebars.
For specific fit instructions, refer to our Fitting Your Bike article and videos.

Take a Test Ride

A test ride is a great way to discover what the best bike is for you. Most REI stores provide an area for customers to do this, usually in a little-used area of the parking lot. The stores in Seattle, Denver and Bloomington (Minn.) even offer onsite mountain-bike test trails.

Protect Yourself

Bicycling comes with many useful accessories and safety gear. The only real "must have" is a helmet. As with your bike, it's important that a helmet fits you properly. Check out our How to Choose a Bicycle Helmet article and video for practical tips. Other bike-comfort features worth considering include padded bike gloves and padded shorts.

Choosing a Bike for a Child

From bikes with training wheels to teen-sized versions of adult bikes, there are many options available for kids. The most important consideration when buying your child a bike is size. When shopping, keep in mind that children's bikes are measured by their wheel size, not frame size. The most common wheel sizes are 16", 20" and 24". The right size is one where the child can comfortably get on the bike and stand with his or her feet on the ground.
It is not recommended that you buy a bike that is too large for a child and then have them "grow into it." Doing so can set the child back in terms of riding skills and confidence. A properly sized bike will be easier for kids to handle, less dangerous and a lot more fun. And don't forget the helmet!
For a broader overview, see our Cycling with Kids article.

From :

Friday, February 11, 2011


Fishing is the activity of hunting for fish. It is an ancient and worldwide practice that dates back about 10,000 years with various techniques and traditions and it has been transformed by modern technological developments. 
Fishing continues to be a favorite pastime in the United States, in 2001, 16% of the U.S. population 16 years old and older (34 million anglers) spent an average of 16 days fishing. Freshwater fishing was the most popular type of fishing with over 28 million anglers devoting nearly 467 million angler-days to the sport.

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(Indonesian language)

 Memancing adalah kegiatan berburu ikan. Ini merupakan kegiatan kuno di seluruh dunia bahwa sejak sekitar 10.000 tahun dengan berbagai teknik dan tradisi dan telah diubah oleh perkembangan teknologi modern.

Memancing terus menjadi hiburan favorit di Amerika Serikat, pada tahun 2001, 16% penduduk AS berusia 16 tahun dan lebih tua (34 juta pemancing) menghabiskan rata-rata 16 hari memancing. Ikan air tawar adalah jenis yang paling populer memancing dengan lebih dari 28 juta pemancing mengabdikan hampir 467 juta pemancing.

Info asal dan selebihnya :